Sunday, October 11, 2009

If you want to help

Spread the word that this is happening and make your voice heard. Mobilise tourists who care as well as your friends and family. The more people that make a fuss, the less we can be ignored.

You can email me for a suggested text in Portuguse and English and cc me on any response so that we can publish it.

A few suggestions to email :

Riu Hotel Sal
Riu Head Office (use the drop down menu in the contact section)
Thomson UK
Manager of Thomson in Sal

President of the Camara Municipal do Sal
Counciller for the Environment & Sanitation

Any suggestions let me know.

1 comment:

  1. I am appalled regards the news of these well loved dogs being innocently targeted on this Island of Sal. We holidayed in Sal in March this year 2009 + I have many photos of Cross,Foxy, Bones and various dogs who used to roam of their own free will around the Morabeza beach and they posed no threat to any tourists etc. In fact they were a pleasure to be around and the 3 dogs that have now become innocent victims it is absolutely disgraceful. All these dogs were well loved and part of a human family.

    This disgraceful practice of poisoning is quite frankly barbaric and just shows what little initiative these morons have as regards to thinking logically outside the box and could be so easily solved by just getting a neutering programme in place to alleviate this problem.

    As part of the EU CV Camara / Rui / or such parties who may or may not be involved in this practice like it or not there are laws to protect animals and these have been in place for decades to eliminate such barbaric practices. Tourist Companies who make a living from the leisure and Tourism industry should unite together to raise this issue ( I notice that the only decent main road on the Island of Sal is the one which leads up to both of the RUI hotels ) Coincidence or not everything has it's price ...does it not..? Greed is Ugly

    Please raise this horrific practice to it's highest level as there is always a solution if people have the patience to explore the alternatives.

    Surely someone has the moral courage to whistle blow and expose who may be buying large quantities of poison there must be a papertrail somewhere..? What about offerring a reward for information leading to sucessful prosecutions.

    My thoughts are with those who have been affected by these tragic chain of events and this needs to stop at once. The EU Commission and the European Animal Welfare Rights Organisation would be very interested in this ongoing story and it deserves to be raised at this level to get this practice stamped out once and for all
