Monday, November 2, 2009

Why we are asking people to voice their protest

It is so frustrating that no one will verify the safety of the beaches or give us assurances that the poisoning is going to end. Just a wall of silence. We can't understand why, so we are asking people to join us in protesting. The text below is an email we have sent to our friends, there is a suggested text in Portuguese if you would like to have some answers as well. Email addresses are in the post above.

In a report from the Department of Health Giorgio Chiarel, the manager of the Riu Funana hotel was named as the person who requested that a member of the Dept of Health take action to control the dogs on the beach. This may have been going on for some time (according to reports from hotel guests going back to March 2008). This was not an official activity since the local government (Camara Municipal) have ceased this practice as they know that it is an ineffective way of controlling the stray dog population. The RIU have neither confirmed or denied what happened.

The implications of this are enormous and unbelievable. Rasher was a healthy 30kg dog and he died within five minutes of eating the poison which was placed right beside our turtle hatchery, an area that is heavily used by adults and children alike. As horrified guests watched, Neal held Rasher as he died in agony.

It seems that this is an illegal activity and we hope to be able to bring a prosecution against the people responsible. So far the government and police are supporting an investigation but outside pressure will help our case considerably, particularly from potential tourists on whose money this island's economy depends.

Those of you who met Rasher will know what an amazing character he was and how unjust it is that his life ended in this way. The pain and devastation that it has caused us is enormous and has led us to question our future in this country and the future of our turtle conservation project.

Both RIU and TUI (who we believe jointly manage the hotel) have stated policies regarding protection of nature and treatment of animals

From TUI's website : TUI subsidiary companies accept responsibility and are committed to sustainable development and the protection of the environment and nature.
From a press statement issued by RIU : Our decision to inform the authorities was appropriate. We would have done it in any other country too. We are not aware of any organized poisoning nor did we blame any institution of doing so. RIU has clearly defined values. Respectful treatment of animals belongs to them.

These policies clearly do not fit well with having poison randomly placed on public beaches and we expected them to speak out against it.

We have tried to have a rational and open dialogue with the hotel chain, RIU and the tour operator, TUI (who own UK operator, Thomson) but they have refused to answer us on any of the points that we have raised.

At the moment both the RIU and TUI also seem to be ignoring complaints which have come in from hotel guests who witnessed not only Rasher dying but other dogs inside the hotel grounds (see my blog for a graphic description of a dog dying and left unattended near the reception).

You can help us by spending a few minutes emailing the people who may influence whether this disgusting practice will end or whether it will continue to endanger holiday-makers, dogs and other wildlife.

If you email them and then ask your friends to email them as well the volume of complaints is going to become something they can no longer ignore.

Points you may like to mention include:

Whether RIU and TUI think that poisoning of dogs and cats is a solution to strays and if this is something that they will continue to support.
Whether all the poison has been removed from the beach and it is now safe for holiday-makers.
Whether they will state that they won't let this happen again
Whether they still say that they were not aware of any institutionalised poisoning despite evidence given by the Dept of Health
How you feel about visiting Sal and staying at the Riu Funana or Riu Garopa hotels whilst this is going on?
Whether you are likely to stay in any RIU hotel around the world.

We have also included a text in Portuguese which will be effective to send to the local government and Department of Health.

If you are able to send any emails could let me know and also please forward me any responses.

Ouvimos recentemente que veneno colocado nas imediações do Hotel Riu Funaná na ilha do Sal, retirou a vida a muitos cães e gatos rafeiros mas também ceifou a vida de animais acarinhados pelos donos que nesse dia visitavam a praia com eles. Estamos chocados com esta situação que acontece num país que procura atrair turistas e nem podemos acreditar nos riscos para as crianças e adultos, que nem sequer foram considerados. Pedimos então desta forma que parem com esta crueldade ineficaz e procurem métodos mais humanos como a esterilização paracontrolar a população. Este tipo de acções fazem-nos duvidar seriamente a nossa decisão de visitar Cabo Verde. Gostaríamos de de ter algumas certezas que envenenamentos em lugares públicos não vão acontecer mais e que o veneno colocado nestes lugares já foi retirado e que as praias já são seguras para visitar.

Esperamos uma resposta brevemente.

We have recently heard that poison which had been placed on the beach outside the Riu Funana on Sal island claimed the lives of not only many stray dogs and cats, but also the lives of well loved dogs who happened to visit the beach with their owners. We are appalled that this takes place in a country that seeks to attract tourists and we cannot believe that the risks to children and adults alike were not considered. We request that you stop this cruel and ineffective practice and seek other solutions such as neutering to control the stray dog and cat population. This kind of action will seriously affect our decision to visit Cabo Verde. We would like to have some reassurance that placing of poison in public places will cease, that all the poison has now been removed and that the beaches are now safe to visit.

We look forward to hearing from you.
Yours sincerely

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