Monday, July 11, 2011

Third sterilisation clinic on Sal

It is an incredible experience to be part of the team running the dog and cat sterilisation clinic here on Sal.  Our wonderful veterinarians Thomas, Ines, Corinna and Madueno work non-stop, sometimes performing as many as 60 operations in a day.
Surgery production line
 And meanwhile, outside the clinic there is a steady flow of people of all ages with dogs and cats of all shapes, sizes and age.  They wait patiently, sometimes for most of the day to improve the lives of their animals by preventing unwanted puppies and kittens.

Incredible to see butch men with their butch dogs being brought for castration and knowing that the doubters who think that Caboverdean people don't care about their pets or don't understand the benefits of sterilisation, are SO WRONG!
No animal too small
 Incredible to see a hardened fisherman cradling a tiny kitten.

Little starving street dog, I am in love again
Incredible to see so many people loving their animals!

 See some more photos here.

Read more about SOS Cats & Dogs Cabo Verde here.

A video about the clinic in Praia run by the same vets before they came to Sal.

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