Saturday, October 10, 2009

Are street dogs in Sal a problem?

Street dogs are a nuisance, they can be noisy and they make a mess when they scavenge in bins for food, but are they really a big problem? There are no fatal communicable diseases present in the dogs in Sal and no cases of rabies have ever been reported.

Many are not strays, but are 'cared for' in a different way to the way we would take care of our animals in Europe. The majority 'belong' to someone but are allowed to wander around town alone. Most Capeverdian street dogs found in Sal are potentially loyal, affectionate companions. Usually they are solitary, so the idea of feral or dangerous dogs wandering around menacing or biting humans is not a reality here in Sal. Most likely, the only time you will see a large gathering of dogs is when a bitch is in season.

Dog mess that is not removed could be a hazard, but relative to other developing countries and in other Capeverdian towns such as the capital, Praia, the number of street dogs seen in Sal is quite low.

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