Monday, October 19, 2009

Attacks from wild stray dogs? Or just your average friendly Capeverdian dog?

Email from a recent visitor :

"I was interested to read your blog on "Life on Sal" regarding the poisoning of dogs. I stayed at the Riu Funana a few weeks ago & witnessed a dog die on the hotel grounds on 6th October. Very, very upsetting to see. I thought it had had a heart attack or fit. I immediately reported this to the hotel management but they didn't seem very shocked but I would be surprised if it was anything the hotel had done as they didn't seem to mind the dogs & cats & all the guests I spoke to, seemed happy to see them all. I certainly never witnessed any of these dogs being aggressive to anyone. They were all friendly. I am appalled over this poisoning situation & hope the authorities find out who is responsible & MAKE THEM PAY! This is so cruel & should not be happening. "

Kind of blows the 'massive dog attacks' theory out of the water.....


  1. It is such a pity that the owners of Rasher, Cross and Foxy were not aware of this in time to avoid that stretch of coastline. Believe it or not, Foxy was poisoned by the pier some 18 months earlier and was rushed to the vet and made a miraculous recovery. Sadly, his luck ran out on 7 October 2009. The odds were stacked against him and anyone else who comes into contact with this deadly poison. Whoever is responsible, or if you know who is doing this, please end it before someone is dies of this poisoning.

  2. Hi Tartantopic thanks for your comments. It is indeed a huge tragedy. If we had had the smallest inkling that the other two dogs were poisoned near the Riu Funana hotel we would not have taken Rasher within kms of it. Who would think that it is not safe to take your dog to a public beach outside a big hotel?
